Ora a senhora que falou comigo foi super compreensiva e disse que iria falar com os superiores para tentar que desbloqueassem o processo do Artur visto tratar-se de uma criança de 2 aninhos. Mas disse logo que não garantia nada e frisou que estão sem verbas para compra de ajudas técnicas. Sai de lá com o coração apertado a pensar mesmo que desbloqueiem o processo, sabe-se lá quando virão os aparelhos.
Fui ter com o Artur à fisioterapia e já a caminho de casa recebi uma chamada da senhora, que entusiasmadíssima disse-me que tinha uma óptima notícia: o processo do Artur foi desbloqueado! Explicou que agora tinham de ver se haveria verbas para a compra dos aparelhos, adiantou logo a casa escolhida e pediu o meu email para que caso houvesse verbas me pudesse mandar a copia da nota da encomenda. Disse que só teria notícias se teriam verbas ou não na próxima semana, ou mandaria um email com a nota de encomenda ou me ligaria a dizer algo. Sou sincera e pensei, será que pelo entusiasmo da sra ela já sabe que vão dar os aparelhos ao Artur e não quer dizer que foi só porque fui lá? mas pensei logo se calhar não pode ser simplesmente porque conseguiu que o processo avançasse mais vamos esperar.
Sei que já vai longo o relato, mas hoje de manhã vou espreitar o email e... Recebi um email da senhora com a nota de encomenda! Quem me conhece não vai estranhar o que vou dizer, mas, fiquei lavada em lágrimas! Um misto de alegria com um toquezinho a revolta pois foi preciso 1 ano, para o Artur poder receber o que precisa! Neste momento que a poeira já assentou mais, fico com o gosto amargo de pensar será que se já lá tivesse ido ele já os teria? Provavelmente não mas e agora quem cala essa dúvida?
Estou muito feliz! Agora é esperar ser contactada pela casa escolhida, escolheram a que me disseram ser a ideal e melhor para crianças, pois têm especialistas em audiologia infantil, (facto muito importante pois a maioria das casas de audiologia não têm especialistas em audiologia infantil).
Like all followers and readers of this blog know, Artur is waiting for hearing aids since last year. It's been a year and almost one month since I delivered the 3 budgets for consideration by the Purchasing Management of the Hospital. This past Wednesday, I went to the Hospital's Users Support (?), to try to know how I could know how was Artur's request for hearing aids. I tried to speak with the social worker who said that only had time for me one hour later, and advised me to go directly Purchasing Management to know the status of Artur's request. After some waiting, (1st to know the request number and then to speak with the colleague of the first lady), I was informed that the process was still locked. What does this mean? When I delivered the 3 budgets, was assigned a request number and (probably) they did not analyze the request. I explained that Arthur has two years now, and that in his ENT appointment, the doctor said it was urgent to get the hearing aids for Artur cause the lack of them could and would certainly delay the talk skills and cognitive development, because if we do not hear well we can not process the right way in our brain the information we receive. Now with two years he does not speak (only says 4 words when we wants too), so the speech is already affected by lack of the hearing aids . (I know that speech can also be affected by the disease of Artur, but of course if he does not hear well how can he talk? How can I assess what is because of the lack of hearing and what is because of the disease itself?)
The lady who spoke to me was very understanding and said she would talk with her superiors to try to unlock the process of Arthur since he is a 2 year old boy. But she said there were no guaranties and stated that there are no funds for purchasing technical aids. Got out of there with a sinking heart thinking: Even if they unlock the process, who knows when he will get the hearing aids?
I went to Artur's physiotherapy, and on the way home I received a call from the lady She was so excited and told me she had great news, they unlocked Artur's request! She explained that now they had to see if there was funding for the purchase, said to me what was the chosen place and asked for my email so that if there was money she could send a copy of the order form. She said that only next week I would hear from them if there was funds, and that if there was she would send an email with the order form or call me to say there was no funds. I thought to myself will all these excitement does she knows already that they will give finally the hearing aids to Artur and is not to telling me that because its all because I was there? Then I thought maybe she is happy because she could get to unlock Artur's request.
I know it is already a long story, but this morning I peek at the e-mail and surprise! I received an email from the lady with the order form! Those who know me will not wonder what I will say, but I was in tears! A mixture of joy with a touch of anger since it took one year for Artur to receive what he needs! Right now, got the bitter taste of thinking: If I had gone sooner would he already have the hearing aids? Probably not but now how to silence the doubt inside my head?
I am very happy! Now, we are waiting to be contacted by the chosen place, the hospital has chosen the best one, the one they told me that's best for children because they have specialists in children audiology, (very important fact because most places do not have specialists in audiology for children).