Bem, não podia deixar de dar o update sobre o Artur.
O Artur começou a dizer não!
Diz nhão ou ão, mas percebesse perfeitamente que a intenção é mesmo dizer não. Quero vestir-lhe o casaco e diz nhão e faz tudo para que não o consiga vestir, desde encolher o braço a agarrar a manga a meio para não deixar vestir! Se tento sentá-lo no sofá ele diz logo "nhão" e manda-se para o lado! ;) :P
Well an update was in order because... suspense... :P
Artur started saying NO! (in portuguese it's não but he says nhão or only ão)
When I try to put is jacket on he says no and he just doesn't let me! he bends his arm, grabs the sleeve and doesn't let me do a thing! If I try to sit him in the sofa he says no and throws himself to the side so that he can be just laying there!
Blog sobre o meu filho Artur, nascido a 17-03-2009 e que tem uma doença rara chamada Síndrome de delecção do 1p36. Blog about my son Artur, born on 17-03-2009, he has a rare disease called 1p36 deletion syndrome.
quinta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2011
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011
Olá - Hi
Amanhã vai decorrer em Lisboa a I Conferênci a Nacional de Doenças Raras. Vai decorrer no Auditório 2 da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, com entrada livre.
Tomorrow, the 1st National Conference of Rare Diseases will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.
Tomorrow, the 1st National Conference of Rare Diseases will take place in Lisbon, Portugal.
segunda-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2011
Consulta neuro-oftalmologia
O Artur foi hoje à consulta de neuro-oftalmologia. Estava super resmungão e cheio de sono, pelo que não foi muito cooperante. Ficou com uma nova consulta marcada, pois precisam avaliá-lo novamente. Detectaram que está abaixo dos parâmetros de visão de uma criança da mesma idade dele. Vamos ver o que dizem em Agosto. Um dos exames que fizeram, puseram umas gotas para dilatar a pupila do olho. Ficou a parecer o gatinho do Shrek! hehe
Artur went to his neuro-ophthalmology appointment today. He was really grumpy and sleepy, so it was hard to do the eyes exams. They scheduled a new appointment to August, for now they said his seeing ability is below the normal to children with the same age. They did a exam that they put some drops in Artur's eyes to dilate the pupil of the eye. He looked like the Puss In Boots from Shrek! hehe
Artur went to his neuro-ophthalmology appointment today. He was really grumpy and sleepy, so it was hard to do the eyes exams. They scheduled a new appointment to August, for now they said his seeing ability is below the normal to children with the same age. They did a exam that they put some drops in Artur's eyes to dilate the pupil of the eye. He looked like the Puss In Boots from Shrek! hehe
sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011
sexta-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2011
23 meses - 23 month old
O Artur fez ontem 23 meses! Já está tão grande e o tempo passa tão depressa. Segunda-feira vai a consulta de neuro-oftalmologia para sabermos se ele vê bem e se esta tudo ok com os olhinhos dele. Muitas das crianças com o sindrome de delecção do 1p36 têm problemas em termos visuais, nós notamos que por vezes o Artur entorta um dos olhos quando olha para cima. Ele segue os objectos bem , mas acho que mais vale saber já se precisa de algum correctivo do que esperar e se tiver algum problema poder piorar mais.
Artur turned 23 month old yesterday! He is so big already, and time flies by so quickly. Monday he has an neuro-ophthalmology appointment to see if everything is OK with his eyes. Some 1p36 children have some eye issues and Artur sometimes seams to have one eye in a wrong position, so its better to see a doctor now that to wait and if he has a problem it could get worse. he follows objects really well and he only does it sometimes when he looks up.
Artur turned 23 month old yesterday! He is so big already, and time flies by so quickly. Monday he has an neuro-ophthalmology appointment to see if everything is OK with his eyes. Some 1p36 children have some eye issues and Artur sometimes seams to have one eye in a wrong position, so its better to see a doctor now that to wait and if he has a problem it could get worse. he follows objects really well and he only does it sometimes when he looks up.
quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011
O desenvolvimento do Artur\ Artur's development
O Artur nasceu com 3,440 kg e 49,5 cm.
Aos 6 meses começou a rebolar primeiro só para um lado e mais tarde para ambos.
Aos 7 meses apareceu o primeiro dente embora desde os 3 meses andava com a gengiva inchada e a perturbá-lo.
Entre os 9 meses e 1 ano começou a pegar em objectos e a transferir de uma mão para a outra! Uma verdadeira vitória pois para crianças com este sindrome é muito dificil pegar em objectos e até mesmo dar-lhes atenção, pois normalmente ligam mais a pessoas que a coisas.
Por volta do 1 ano disse a primeira palavra má- mãe e começou a controlar a cabeça.
Como chumbou no rastreio auditivo com 1 ano fez um exame chamado potenciais evocados que deu como resultado que o Artur tem perda moderada em ambos os ouvidos. Terá de usar aparelhos auditivos em ambos os ouvidos, estamos ainda á espera que o hospital nos dê os mesmos, fará um ano (sim, 1 ano!!) em Maio.
Aos 15 meses teve a primeira convulsão com febre e esteve internado 9 dias, aos 18 meses teve a 2ª convulsão também com febre e esteve internado 4 dias e aos 19 meses a 3ª convulsão esta já sem febre e esteve internado 2 dias. Em Janeiro (22 meses) teve a ultima convulsão (4º) e passou uma noite no hospital para ser observado. Após a 2ª convulsão começou a fazer medicação anti-convulsiva e na 3ª foi diagnosticada Epilepsia. Faz medicação mas como é lógico é difícil manter a medicação sempre bem doseada quando é uma criança tão pequena e está sempre a crescer e aumentar peso, e claro, tal como aconteceu na última convulsão quando a medicação já não está correcta aumenta a probabilidade de convulsão.
Relativamente ao peso e tamanho, bem, uma das características do síndrome de delecção do 1p36 é a dificuldade em aumentar de peso e no crescimento. O Artur em termos de peso não tem percentil mas tem estado sempre a aumentar o peso o que é muito bom, relativamente ao tamanho ronda o percentil 5 por vezes abaixo.
Artur was born with 3,440kg (7,58lb) and 49,5 cm (19,49 in).
At 6 months he started to roll-over first just to one side and later to both sides.
Had his first tooth he was 7 months. But was since 3 months with his gum swollen and giving him bad time.
Around 9month old- 1 year old he started grabbing objects and transfer them from one hand to the other. This was a big win because for 1p36 kids its hard to grab objects and they often pay more attention to humans that to objects.
Around 1 year old said his first word- mum and started having some head control.
He did one hearing test (evoked potentials???) and as a result we were told he had moderate hearing loss in both hears, we are waiting for the hearing aids that the hospital will give Artur, will be 1 year of waiting in May...
15 month had his first seizure with fever, and was in the hospital for 9 days, at 18 month the 2nd seizure also with fever and was in the hospital for 4 days, after this seizure started taking one med for seizures. The 3rd seizure was at 19 month old and he had no fever and was on the hospital for 2 days. Last January (22 month) had his 4th seizure spent a night on the hospital. The epilepsy was diagnosed on the 3rd seizure he is taking meds for it but being a baby its hard to keep it well dosed cause they are growing and gaining weight and off course there is bigger chances of having a new seizure like the last one due to need a new dosage of medication.
About weight and height, 1p36 children have some difficulty in gaining weight and in getting bigger, so Artur has no percentile in weight and in height its around the percentile 5. (don't know if that's the same in US and other countries)
Quando a médica falou connosco levou-nos logo para seremos testados e saber se esta delecção teria vindo de um de nós. Como casal decidimos antes mesmo de se saber resultados que se por acaso algum de nós tivesse causado esta situação não nos iríamos culpar mutuamente e a nós mesmos. Aos 6 meses de idade do Artur recebemos em casa o relatório da genética onde já constava o nome da doença: Síndrome de delecção do 1p36. Dizendo de forma mais ou menos compreensível, o Artur num dos cromossomas 1 (temos 1 par de cada cromossoma) tem em falta no braço curto material genético. Pode ter várias implicações a nível físico e não só. Os nossos resultados mostraram que ambos estamos sem qualquer anomalias no nosso ADN, logo foi um erro quando as células masculinas e femininas se juntaram e formaram aquela primeira célula que depois se tornou no embrião. Quanto ao Artur agora já com quase 2 anos sabemos que tem neste momento atraso no desenvolvimento motor, pois como tem hipotonia axial (falta de força nos músculos na zona superior do tronco) tem feito fisioterapia desde os 2 meses de idade. Se querem saber sim tem tido resultados a fisioterapia, pois o Artur não tinha controlo cefálico, ou seja não segurava bem a cabecinha, e hoje já tem, ainda não está perfeito é um facto mas já aguenta o peso da própria cabeça. Ainda não se senta sem apoios, já diz mamã, normalmente diz mais má que mamã... lol Diz também óá- olá e é muito resmungão e teimoso. ;) Acho que saiu a mim na resmunguice e teimosia. :P
When the genetics doctor talked to us, she took us to be tested to see our karyotype and to see if one of us might have caused it. We decided as a couple not to blame the other or ourselves if one of us might have caused it. When Artur was 6 months old we got the result by mail to our home where we could read the name of his disease: 1p36 deletion syndrome. I'll try to explain it in a easier way, Artur has some genetic material missing in the short arm of the chromosome 1 (we have a pair of each chromosome). It might cause lots of implications on a physical level, and on other level of his development. Our results came up and we realised none of us caused it, it was an error when both female and male cells got together to form the one cell that became an embryo. About Artur, now with almost 2 years old we know right now he has some delay on the motor development, he was born with axial hypotonia and he started physical therapy when he was 2 month old. Yes he shows improvements because of the PT, he had no head control when he started it and now he has it, not yet perfect but he can hold his head weight. He can't sit up yet with no support, he says mommy (mamã), must times only má... lol Also says hi (óá instead of olá) and he is grumpy and stubborn. ;) I guess he took from me the grumpiness and stubbornness. :P
When the genetics doctor talked to us, she took us to be tested to see our karyotype and to see if one of us might have caused it. We decided as a couple not to blame the other or ourselves if one of us might have caused it. When Artur was 6 months old we got the result by mail to our home where we could read the name of his disease: 1p36 deletion syndrome. I'll try to explain it in a easier way, Artur has some genetic material missing in the short arm of the chromosome 1 (we have a pair of each chromosome). It might cause lots of implications on a physical level, and on other level of his development. Our results came up and we realised none of us caused it, it was an error when both female and male cells got together to form the one cell that became an embryo. About Artur, now with almost 2 years old we know right now he has some delay on the motor development, he was born with axial hypotonia and he started physical therapy when he was 2 month old. Yes he shows improvements because of the PT, he had no head control when he started it and now he has it, not yet perfect but he can hold his head weight. He can't sit up yet with no support, he says mommy (mamã), must times only má... lol Also says hi (óá instead of olá) and he is grumpy and stubborn. ;) I guess he took from me the grumpiness and stubbornness. :P
O meu bebé. My baby
O Artur nasceu no dia 17 de Março de 2009. Gravidez normal, o parto foi induzido pois ja estava de 41 semanas e 4 dias e acabou por nascer de cesariana pois tinha pouca vontade de sair. ;)
Ao 3º dia fizeram analises e viram que ele estava com uma infecção e tinha icterícia. Ficou internado a fazer antibiótico para a infecção e "luzes" para a icterícia. Como nasceu com a fontanela muito grande (moleirinha) fizeram uma eco transfontanelar e decidiram fazer vários exames para ter a certeza que nada se passava com o Artur. Chamaram entre outros uma médica de genética que mandou fazer analises para ver o cariótipo e possíveis doenças metabólicas. No dia que teve alta (já com 15 dias) soubemos pela medica de genética que o Artur tinha uma delecção no cromossoma 1 mas sem grandes detalhes... (continua amanhã)
Artur was born on 17-03-2009. It was a normal pregnancy and he was born by c-section after the labour was induced cause I was already on my 41week and 4 days, had to be a c-section cause Artur didn't want to come out. ;)
At his 3rd day the doctor did some blood tests and found out he had an infection and he had jaundice. So we had to be in the hospital to take antibiotics for the infection and do make the jaundice treatment. Since he had a large fontanelle (soft spot) they did a echo to his brain and decided to do all sort of exams to see if everything was ok. One of the doctors they called was the genetics specialist that did some blood exams like karyotype and metabolic diseases. On the day they send him home (he was already 15 days old) the genetics doctor told us he had a deletion on the chromosome 1 but not really the name of the disease cause they were still completing the karyotype study... (to be continued tomorrow...)
Ao 3º dia fizeram analises e viram que ele estava com uma infecção e tinha icterícia. Ficou internado a fazer antibiótico para a infecção e "luzes" para a icterícia. Como nasceu com a fontanela muito grande (moleirinha) fizeram uma eco transfontanelar e decidiram fazer vários exames para ter a certeza que nada se passava com o Artur. Chamaram entre outros uma médica de genética que mandou fazer analises para ver o cariótipo e possíveis doenças metabólicas. No dia que teve alta (já com 15 dias) soubemos pela medica de genética que o Artur tinha uma delecção no cromossoma 1 mas sem grandes detalhes... (continua amanhã)
Artur was born on 17-03-2009. It was a normal pregnancy and he was born by c-section after the labour was induced cause I was already on my 41week and 4 days, had to be a c-section cause Artur didn't want to come out. ;)
At his 3rd day the doctor did some blood tests and found out he had an infection and he had jaundice. So we had to be in the hospital to take antibiotics for the infection and do make the jaundice treatment. Since he had a large fontanelle (soft spot) they did a echo to his brain and decided to do all sort of exams to see if everything was ok. One of the doctors they called was the genetics specialist that did some blood exams like karyotype and metabolic diseases. On the day they send him home (he was already 15 days old) the genetics doctor told us he had a deletion on the chromosome 1 but not really the name of the disease cause they were still completing the karyotype study... (to be continued tomorrow...)
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