Blog sobre o meu filho Artur, nascido a 17-03-2009 e que tem uma doença rara chamada Síndrome de delecção do 1p36. Blog about my son Artur, born on 17-03-2009, he has a rare disease called 1p36 deletion syndrome.
quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014
Fisioterapia - Physical Therapy
O Artur está a fazer mais uma vez por semana fisioterapia. Está a fazer na Mirafisio com a fisioterapeuta que o acompanha no hospital desde os 2 meses de idade. Começou em meados de Maio, já notamos muitas diferenças quer a nivel de postura quer a nivel muscular. Faz agora fisioterapia no total 3 x por semana e natação 1x por semana, claro que ambas as actividades aliadas fazem com que as suas melhoras sejam notórias. Este aumento da fisioterapia deve-se a umas pessoas muito especiais (que preferem ficar anónimas) decidiram ajudar o Artur e pagaram os tratamentos dele. O nosso muito obrigado do fundo do coração, as melhorias no Artur são notórias e embora possa parecer pouco por ser mais 1x por semana é mais que suficiente para que em pouco tempo notarmos as diferenças nele. As palavras não chegam para vos agradecer o que proporcionaram ao nosso Artur.
Artur has been doing physical therapy one more time a week, it has been possible because some special people (who want to stay anonymous) decided to help Artur and pay for the treatment. He does it in Miriafisio with his PT from the hospital that knows him and works with him since he was 2 month old. Since he started it in mid we see improvement in posture and muscle tone. He now does PT 3x week and swimming 1x week. All together made possible this achievements, it might seem little plus 1 time a week of PT but its not and the results in this short period of time shows it. We are very thankful to this special persons that made this possible for Artur. Thank you from the bottom of our heart.
Artur has been doing physical therapy one more time a week, it has been possible because some special people (who want to stay anonymous) decided to help Artur and pay for the treatment. He does it in Miriafisio with his PT from the hospital that knows him and works with him since he was 2 month old. Since he started it in mid we see improvement in posture and muscle tone. He now does PT 3x week and swimming 1x week. All together made possible this achievements, it might seem little plus 1 time a week of PT but its not and the results in this short period of time shows it. We are very thankful to this special persons that made this possible for Artur. Thank you from the bottom of our heart.
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