segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2011


Ontem o Artur começou a palrar com os aparelhos postos. Desde quarta-feira que só palrava sem eles e ontem começou com eles colocados. Ainda não se ri, esboça sorrisos quando o fazemos rir mas não dá as suas gargalhadas que tanto gostamos de ouvir. Notamos que ainda se assusta com os sons mais altos mas está a adaptar-se muito bem aos aparelhos. Notamos também que anda um pouco mais irritado mas talvez se deva mesmo ao uso dos aparelhos, pois o Mundo tornou-se mais barulhento após 2 anos a viver num Mundo mais silencioso.

Yesterday Artur started his baby talk with the hearing aids on. Since Wednesday he only did his baby talk when we took the hearing aids off. Still doesn't laugh with them on, but he gives us a big smile when we make him laugh. Still gets some scares with loud noises but we think he is doing really well in getting used to the hearing aids. We noticed that he is more annoyed but maybe its because his world became louder than he was used to. It was 2 years in a more silence world, everything is louder now so it must be hard for him.

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